Meralgia Paresthetica

Meralgia paresthetica is a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and burning pain in your outer thigh. The cause of meralgia paresthetica is compression of the nerve that supplies sensation to the skin surface of your thigh.
Tight clothing, obesity or weight gain, and pregnancy are common causes of meralgia paresthetica. However, meralgia paresthetica can also be due to local trauma or a disease, such as diabetes.
In most cases, you can relieve meralgia paresthetica with conservative measures, such as wearing looser clothing. In severe cases, treatment may include medications to relieve discomfort or, rarely, surgery.
Pressure on the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which supplies sensation to your upper thigh, might cause these symptoms of meralgia paresthetica:
  • Tingling and numbness in the outer (lateral) part of your thigh
  • Burning pain on the surface of the outer part of your thigh
  • These symptoms commonly occur on one side of your body and might intensify after walking or standing. "

Ano ba ito, habang dumdami ang edad ay ang pagdami din ng body malfunctioning caused by nerve imabalances, the RNA and DNA.

LIFE at 66 Years of Age

EENT Clinic

This afternoon, I had my eyes, nose, and throat examined but particularly the ear as I felt that there are changes in my hearing condition.  Although, I read from other articles that most dragon born are encountering a problem with the ear in the later years, but it is not substantiated by science if true or false. So, I went to Asian Hospital and met the appointment with Dr. James A. Arzadon.

How sophisticated nowaday check-up. One can monitor ear inside showing the ear tube including the unmoved earwax which the doctor carefully removed. What a great feeling and interest when you can see from the monitor when the blockade is being eased out.

                         Hearing and Dizziness Unit at Asian Hospital                    

Then, I was instructed to go up the 2nd Floor where another test was conducted with the beep and sound monitoring room like an audio recording studio.

                                            Right and Left  Ear Test Result

Sound Data

The result is not so bad but a recommendation is to have a hearing aid to experience the same as the original normal condition when young.  A vitamin B12 Methycobal 1tab2xday is prescribed to arrest the loss or if not,  delay the deterioration.

Aging is a disease. No one can escape this disease. All must die. It is just a matter of time when the due date comes but,  to triumph death is a victory.

What to expect when you are already nearing the average life span of the global statistic of the average person?

According to the World Health Organization’s Statistics published in 2018, the average person residing in the Philippines has a lifespan of 69.3 years. That metric is almost three years shorter than the global average of age 72.

Some noticeable body changes are the following:

          a.   Muscles begin to loose while body fat starts to increase.
          b.   Losing hair and white color
          c.   Losing teeth so most persons must have dentures fitted.
          d.   Body aching including bones
          e.   High blood
         f.    High sugar,  blood should be checked regularly so that proper medication can be taken
          g.   A difference on the hearing audibility that needs a hearing aid 
          h.   Poor eyesight
          i.    Body wasting

 Elixir of Immortality

It's no joke to lead a life of having all these kinds of deficiency. Since time immemorial, powerful leaders, kings, and queens searched the elixir of immortality to prolong the life which is free from diseases.  Many alchemists, however, lost their lives for ingesting potions, poison, and another metallic substance they believed is an answer to incurable disease which is aging.

I myself is a follower of the ancient Egyptian alchemist Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice Great, and trying to be an alchemist too, to discover the philosopher stone or the elixir of immortality. I have tried to experiment with this ancient science based on different old and modern book references and successful enough to make monatomic elements from alchemical mineral which some modern alchemists believe that can cure all kinds of diseases and also useful in agricultural and animal industry.

This is the result of my laboratory work, the white powder mineral, which I personally believe that can cure all kinds of diseases i.e. terminal cancer, high blood, diabetes, including DNA repair to prolong life.

My Monatomic Element Solution

Dosage :

Ingest 1 tablespoon 2x a day, contain a metallic substance

Effect:  { Immortality } 

From Soul Guidamce..

"The Seven Metals
Usually the great Work is divided in three stages according to the three principles colors: black for Nigredo, white for Albedo, and red for Rubedo. But there is another system that divides the Great Work alongside this threefold system, and that is the one of the seven metals or planets which must be interpreted according Greek mythology.
Nothing is so confusing as the seven metals in alchemy. In some manuscripts the name of metals is used alongside other symbols. Sometimes the metals are described a bit more in detail. often it is difficult to figure out if it is about laboratory work or purely symbolic.

In Dictionnaire mytho-hermétique Dom Pernety (an 18th century French writer, Benedictine, librarian, and founder of a secret society) defines the use of the seven metals in hermetic alchemy as follows: "When the Wise talk about metals, they do not understand these objects that are in use in everyday life; one must understand them in the sense of that they talk about the transmutation of imperfect metals in gold or silver. Their metals are only different states of their mercury in the operation of the work. These states are seven in number, like there are seven Planets and seven common metals; this is the reason why they give the system of their work to the seven Planets, which rule at every state, and every dominion manifest itself by a different color. The first state is that of mercury, which comes before the black color. The second is that of Saturn that lasts all through putrefaction until the matter start to become gray, that is when the Wise call their matter lead of the Philosophers. The third is that of Jupiter, son of Saturn, who was subject to his voracious father, who mutilated him in order to prevent the ability to procreate: his mutilates parts were thrown in the ocean and they gave birth to Venus, by which one understands that the black color does not appear anymore in the work. And because Jupiter was the father of the gods, with Junon, represented by the air enclosed in the vase, and the humidity which mixes itself with it.
"The entire dominion of Jupiter is used to wash the milk, what happens by the successive ascending and descending of mercury on the earth. That water represents the sea, Of which the flow and reflux is marked by these ascensions and continual descensions. But the Philosophers have another sea, that one will see explained in his item.
"The Poets gave to this milk the name of Latone, mother of the Moon and Sun; because the moon period is a continuation of the ablution of the milk, that by there becomes white, and of a whiteness bursting as the one of the Moon. Venus dominates next, and this is in the time that the matter takes a citrine color, that goes over to red, or of iron rust color, and thus comes the period of Mars, friend of Venus, that lasts until the color orange, represented by the dawn, before sun comes up. Phoebus, brother of Diane, appears at last under the crimson color. The Poets said that Diane his sister played the role of midwife to his mother Latone when she gave birth to the sun, because real gold, or real sun of the Philosophers, would never appear until the white color, or Diane, had not appeared beforehand. By all this one can easily see how many Mythological hermetici are mistaken in their arbitrary explanations of the Fables, as this is only a allegory applied to the Great Work".
This might be a bit difficult to read and understand if you are a novice to alchemy. After all, you are supposed to be knowledgeable about the different Greek mythological tales. The hermetici in past ages were familiar with Greek mythology because it was their prime source for understanding the human condition and their world view. They understood that the myths were symbolic and allegoric.
In a nutshell:
1. Mercury, planet Mercury: the substance, the Matter to be worked on. originally you have to find out what it is. For the Hermetic Alchemists it is of course you yourself, what includes your body, your mind (=emotions and thoughts) and your divine essence.
2. Lead, planet Saturn: the beginning of the state of Blackness. The Matter is putrefying and dissolving.
3. Tin, planet Jupiter: the color gray that appears at the end of the process of Blackness, when the Matter has been purified to almost a perfect white. Jupiter is the son of Saturn, therefore he is the next stage.
4. Copper, planet Venus: the citrine color. Venus is the next stage because she was born when the testicles of Jupiter, cut off by his father Saturn, fell into the sea.
5. Silver, the Moon: the white color, corresponding to the state of Whiteness or Albedo. The Matter has been completely purified. In Greek mythology the Moon is symbolized by the huntress goddess Diane. Diane is the daughter of Jupiter and Latone.
6. Iron, planet Mars: Mars is the friend and lover of Venus. Orange or rust-red color, like the light of dawn. It is the state during which the Matter starts to become red.
7. Gold, the Sun: this is the last state; the red color or Rubedo. Here the Matter is called Red Sulfur, among other terms. The sun god Apollo.
As the Hermetic Philosophers were well versed in ancient mythology and derived a lot of their symbolism from it, it might be interesting to note that the use of the seven planets as a progression in the Great Work has a stunning parallel in Gnostic teachings. The Gnostics explained that man here on Earth lives basically in a spiritual darkness. Through initiation he ascends through seven layers/worlds created by the Archonts to eventually arrive at the eight sphere where the initiate will shine in all its divine glory. The seven spheres were associated with the seven traditional planets, and they were each a hindrance to the progress of the spiritual person. It is remarkable that the alchemists also talked about passing through seven stages of the Great Work, each associated with one of the seven planets.

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What a coincidence!

While having a conversation with Dr. James Anthony A. Arzadon, a young doctor, I came to know him to be a Minister of the Holy Eucharist of the ten o clock Sunday mass at St. James, the Greater Parish Church in Ayala Alabang Village - the same slot that I used to serve as Lay Minister for the Children's Mass from 1993 - 2002.

He knows my other old co-servers which are still serving the mass.

He lives in San Jose St, Phase 5, Ayala Alabang Village.





The Order of the Fratres Lucis or ORDO FRATRES LUCIS in its New Luminous Cycle is a non-governmental and non-profit organization. Its existence and maintenance are based on the mutual effort of its members. 

The Order Fratres Lucis (OFL) has its Community or portal in the Fratres Lucis Community, created on February 17, 2000. This community allows them to receive free of charge the teachings that prepare them to become a member of the inner circle if they wish ( intimate brother) of the OFL; created on July 23, 2000 by Frater Fiducius 


· The FRATRES LUCIS are men and women of all nationalities, of all races, of all religions, of all political sectors, of all social classes, of all Orders, Fraternities and Initiatic Schools, which consent to the following SIX POINTS: 

1. LIGHT: the FRATRES LUCIS live in the Light that allows them to gradually know the Truth. The Light eliminates the darkness of IGNORANCE. By opposition, they are against everything that is DARK and leave man in ignorance. 

2. LIFE: the FRATRES LUCIS are in favor of LIFE and not of DEATH. They are in favor of ORDER and not CHAOS. They are in favor of EVOLUTION and not of INVOLUTION.

3. LOVE: the FRATRES LUCIS feel LOVE for the neighbor, for the family and for the society. They are therefore against violence, hatred and war. 

4. FREEDOM: the FRATRES LUCIS practice freedom of thought. No Brother can censure another Brother for his opinions. They are therefore against all forms of human SLAVERY. 

5. EQUALITY: the FRATRES LUCIS have the same rights and the same duties. No one is more or less than the other. 

6. FRATERNITY: the FRATRES LUCIS practice solidarity, helping each other in the path of knowledge. 


1. It is a Community composed of members of many esoteric Orders and Fraternities, and even by those who are not members of any.
2. It is a modern XXI century community that lives on the WEB. 
3. It is a Community whose members are spread all over the world and are connected by email. 
4. It is a Community that does not charge fees or need money, because each Frater Lucis is responsible for doing his part. It's free. 
5. It is a Community where all members can speak. Nothing is forbidden to them if they are free people and have good habits. 
6. It is a Community where you can enter and you can graduate freely. 
7. It is a community with very little administrative bureaucracy, because the form tends to stifle the spirit. 


1. The Community imparts the teachings that its members wish to transmit.
2. Every member has the right to teach, only his inspiration will be his guide. 
3. The Rosicrucian, Martinist, Masonic, Theosophical, Kabalistic, Alchemical and Hermetic Traditions, especially of the EGIPCIO-GRECO-ROMANO-CHRISTIAN axis, without excluding the Eastern Traditions. 
4. Teachings are not sold, nor are purchased, nor do you have to pay fees. They are received by email and can be downloaded as files from the Community site. They can also be delivered from hand to hand. 


1. Those who register in a Portal of our Internet Community, receive the name of VISITORS. 

2. Visitors who send their personal information, namely: 

a) Full name and surname; 

b) Mystic name chosen;

c) Address to receive the Honorary Member Diploma; 

d) Detail of Orders and Fraternities of which he is an active member. It is not exclusive that it does not belong to any. Inique if it does not belong to any. 

e) Esoteric Biography to share with the rest of the Brothers of the Community. If you do not attach an esoteric biography and you want it, include a brief personal description. NOT EXCLUDING. 

The members receive the title of FRATER or SOROR. That is, BROTHER or SISTER 

3. The Brothers of the Community who join the Order receive the name of INNER BROTHERS. To enter you must complete the Application for Registration that you will receive in week number 12. 

4. It is not mandatory that the members of the Community enter the Order.

5. Two or more Fratres Lucis can form a CIRCLE OF THE COMMUNITY OF THE FRATRES LUCIS, in any city in the world. 

6. The INNER BROTHERS have the right to be Initiated in the ORDO FRATRES LUCIS. 

7. Two INITIATED INTIMATE BROTHERS can found an Apprentice Lodge of the Fratres Lucis.