March 28, 2019

Da Vinci’s Last Supper: Archetype of the Four Alchemical Elements of Nature

Last Supper 
More often, one may notice the printed painting of the Last Supper hanging on dining walls of many Filipino homes, a customary tradition for the predominantly Roman Catholic country which was ruled by Spain for more than 300 years since 1521. Aside from the painting, some are sculptured wood did by artisans or hammered stainless and aluminum metal artistically embossed crafts.
Most people who are patrons of this religious art do not have the idea that the artist of this masterpiece was Leonardo Da Vinci, an Italian master of the art, painter, inventor, mathematician, alchemist, and follower of ancient philosophy. The mural painting housed by the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan, Italy covers the end wall of the dining hall which measures 4.6m x 8.8m using egg tempera popularly painting medium during that time before the development of the oil painting.
The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles, as it is told in the Gospel of John, 13:21
  • From Right:   Bartholomew, James, son of Alphaeus, and Andrew form the 1st  group of three.
  • Judas Iscariot, Peter, and John { Mary Magdalene} form the 2nd group of three.
  • Jesus Christ { Center}
  • Apostle Right of Jesus:  ThomasJames the Greater, and Philip are the next group of three.
  • Matthew, Jude Thaddeus, and Simon the Zealot are the final group of three.
The Alchemical Allegory of the Last Supper
Da Vinci’s Last Supper focuses on Jesus Christ as the center of the painting with the Apostles divided equally into both sides in a group of four by three. What is the meaning behind the formation?
According to the ancients, the First Matter has a fourfold structure which they attributed to the existence of four archetypal forces or elements of creation which they named Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
 Genesis 1: 1-3: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit (Air)of God moved upon the face of the Waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was Light (Fire).”
Empedocles  (494 BC), a Greek philosopher, was the first Philosopher who formalized the cosmogonic theory of the four classical elements. In his Tetrasomia “Doctrine of the Four Elements”,    Fire and Air are “outwardly reaching” elements, reaching up and out, whereas Earth and Water turn inward and downward.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)  promoted Empedocles’ idea that all materials on Earth were composed of the four elements water, air, earth, and fire. Aristotle added a fifth element called ether, which was supposedly a perfect substance of which heavenly bodies were composed.  Aristotle believed that humans were a complex mixture of the four elements. Since people were not all alike, there had to be differences in the amount of each element they were made up of.
Leonardo Da Vinci,  (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519), the painter of the Last Supper was once associated with the Rose Cross Movement during the Rennaisance Period. It was in  1495 to 1498  in Milan, Italy when he was commissioned by the Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza to do a mural painting of the Last Supper on the refectory of the city’s Monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie based on the Gospel of the Bible’s Passover Dinner.   It took him three years to complete the 4.6m x 8.8m mural as he could not find the right model for the personalities of Apostles including Jesus Christ.  From the book Leonardo’s Shadow by Christopher Grey, he was able to get volunteer model from store owners in the community whom he was indebted because of his financial difficulties of having short of payment from his mentor, the Duke.
Analyzing the formation of the apostles on the painting, it seems Leonardo  Da Vinci created an unusual esoteric pattern of the alchemical elements of creation, the four elements, the trinitarian principle: body, soul and spirit or the alchemical salt, sulfur, and mercury,  and then the duality of all things.
Last Supper - 4 Elements (2)
The last Supper representation of the Zodiac showing the equinoxes and solstices and their corresponding elements and modalities.
The Four Elements and the Three Modalities
According to the ancient wisdom of alchemy, these four elements form the basis of all life:
Fire, representing action and creativity, fuels the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Water, symbolizing emotions, underlies the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Air, corresponding to intellect, is the dominating force for Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini.
Earth, which stands for substance and practicality, is the hallmark of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.
The Three Modalities
The four elements form the backbone of all Western mysteries, including Kabbalah. Each of the four elements can be expressed in three different modalities.  Astrology follows the four seasons, which correspond to the four elements, and each of these three month seasons is comprised of a cardinal, fixed, and mutable.
  • The cardinal modality marks the beginning of the season and the power of initiation.
  • The fixed modality corresponds to the middle of the season and the power of sustaining.
  • The mutable modality represents the end of the season and the power of change.
Elements and Modalities
Each of the four elements presents a cardinal expression, a fixed expression, and a mutable expression. Four elements times three modalities equal twelve distinct energy fields and therefore the twelve signs.
Even though Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, for example, are all fire signs, they each represent a different archetype. Aries personifies the warrior or soldier. Leo embodies the king, who is protected by the warrior. And Sagittarius connotes the prophet, wizard, or adviser, who ensures the upholding of the ethics of both the warrior and the king.
Aries, the cardinal fire sign, begins the process. Sagittarius, the mutable sign, acted as the messenger, the connector, the agent of change from one season to the next. Leo, the fixed fire sign, then receives the flame from Aries and strives to maintain it.
The fixed signs, embedded in the middle of the season, radiate the full force of the seasonal trend. Taurus occurs when spring blooms everywhere; Leo falls under the strongest sun. Scorpio, the sign of death, rules when the leaves fall from the trees, and Aquarius rules when ice and cold fiercely grip the ground.
The mutable signs, meanwhile, foster the transition of one season to the next in the same way that film editors endeavor to avoid jarring jump cuts between scenes. Gemini bridges spring and summer, Virgo ushers summer into autumn, Sagittarius shoots arrows from autumn to winter, and Pisces thaws winter into spring. Just as diversity and mutations in evolution ensure the survival of many different species and therefore a dynamic and functioning biosphere, the mutable signs provide the change and diversity that permit survival amid the earth’s changing physical states. The mutable guarantee our ability to adjust.
The Power of the Signs
Combining the characteristics of its element with these of its modality will determine the root power of any particular archetype.
Aries: cardinal fire. the root power stems from an ability to initiate (cardinal) action (fire). Success requires initiation, the pushing, and furthering of the goals.
Taurus: fixed earth. The power comes from stability (earth), patience, and sustaining (fixed) an effort for long periods of time. The need to connect to the five senses in matters that concern talents, values, and finances.
Gemini: mutable air. The root power manifests in the ability to adjust (mutable) the style of communication (air) to any fluctuating circumstance. Improvise (mutable) and wield intelligence (air).
Cancer: cardinal water. The power derives from initiating (cardinal) emotional processes (water). The giver (cardinal) of life, give birth (cardinal) to situations that will allow nurturing (water) people or projects.
Leo: fixed fire. The root power comes from perseverance (fixed) in action (fire). Can become famous and respected in your circles if you maintain a steady and focused (fixed) creative force (fire) with the ultimate goal of benevolence.
Virgo: mutable earth. The root power emerges from the ability to edit, fix, and adjust (mutable) situations so that life around becomes more efficient and effective (earth). This editorial work ultimately ought to be directed toward service to humankind.
Libra: cardinal air. Your power root lies in initiating (cardinal) communication (air). This ability grants you mastery over relationships and justice, provided that you initiate (cardinal) conversations and work on your diplomacy (air).
Scorpio: fixed water. the ower root springs from the ability to remain (fixed) intensely emotional and intimate (water) in relationships.
Sagittarius: mutable fire. the power emerges from the capacity to spread (mutable) philosophies, moral codes, and belief systems (fire), especially when engaging in an innate sense of optimism. The duty to humankind relates to teaching, learning, and adjusting (mutable) the negative attitudes and actions (fire) of others.
Capricorn:  cardinal earth. Your root power comes from initiating (cardinal) practical applications of talents, assets, and resources (earth). You embody the business plan of the zodiac wheel. Your success is assured when you set a definite goal (cardinal) and then practice patience and discipline (earth).
Aquarius: fixed air. the root power stems from a stable and consistent (fixed) interplay with the community and friends (air). Pillar (fixed) of a large group of people (air). Success lies in cultivating innovative, funny, and futuristic ideas (air).
Pisces:  mutable water, the root power derives from the capacity to improve life and generate change (mutable) via imagination, mysticism, and compassion (water). It can cultivate success with the sensitivity to the emotional (water) states of others. Dreams and fantasy (water) often serve as the tools by which manifest the preferred life.

The Rosicrucian Order of Studies                                                                                  
“According to the credo of the mysteries, only by developing one’s faculties of will, intuition, and reason to an extraordinary degree could one ever gain access to the hidden forces in the universe. Only through complete mastery of body, soul, and spirit could one see beyond death and perceive the pathways to be taken in the afterlife. Only when one has conquered fate and acquired divine freedom could he or she, the initiate, become a seer, a magician, an initiator.”
First Order  – Four Elements
Ancient of Earth
Ancient of  Air
Ancient of Water
Ancient of Fire
Second Order – Three Modalities
Adeptus Minor
Adeptus Major
Adeptus Exemptus
Third Order  – Polarity 

– Internet Search

Frater Gabriel Comia, Jr.  (VII Grade) is a member of Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF), Pearl of the Orient College,  and  Societas Italica Rosae+Crucis ( S.I.R.+C.), Italy.  A Master Mason under the jurisdiction of the Free and Accepted Masons of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.

March 24, 2019

ZI Wei Dou Shu

I took the time to join the FB ads of Ziwei Academy Workshop at Bayview Park Hotel in front of US Embassy in Roxas Boulevard,  inviting interested people to introduce one of the Chinese Art of  Metaphysics Zi Wei Dou Shu, the other is the very popular BAZI Four Pillars of Destiny.  The Academy has many locations in Malaysia and Singapore and gaining popularity in the Philippines under Zi Wei Feng Shui. Founded in 2006, "ZiWei Feng Shui Academy" devoted to promote the Chinese metaphysic culture, cultivate the study of orthodox "ZiWei Do Shou" and "ZiWei Feng Shui.

As an avid practitioner of the ancient metaphysical science particularly Astrology and Alchemy, I've been studying Zi Wei Dou Shu on books and web articles but first time to attend a workshop or lecture by a master expert on this field.

The 14 Major Stars of Purple Emperor Astrology 

1. Zi Wei (紫微) - Emperor star: The eponymous star of this branch of astrology Zi Wei is like the emperor of old. Majestic, proud, generous, responsible, strong but not aggressive. He dictates to others and expects to be obeyed. Where this star falls in your chart is where you are likely to be demanding. If it falls in a relationship sector, like marriage, it means that your spouse is likely to be demanding and expects to be obeyed. You are also likely to demand an outstanding, successful partner. A dark Zi Wei is tyrannical, lonely and prejudiced.

 2. Wu Qu (武曲) - Military Commander star: The star of power, wealth and military authority. This star is similar to a country's defense minister who formulates military strategies and wages wars. Those with Wu Qu in their life sector tend to be cold and highly efficient. This star represents money in your chart and should it be obstructed it could mean financial failure. 

3. Lian Zhen (廉貞) - Passion star: A complicated star that at its best represents honesty and chastity. At its worst it represents a crafty individual who is immoral, gambles, drinks and carries on illicit affairs. It's also regarded as emotional, friendly and sociable. Because of Lian Zhen's extremes it is especially susceptible to the influence of negative stars.

 4. Tan Lang (贪狼) - Opportunity star: An opportunistic star that enjoys the finer things in life. Tan Lang desires luxuries—good food, good wine, stylish clothing, love affairs and can show a reckless abandon in the pursuit of these things. Tan Lang is selfish and greedy but can hide these facts very well. A dark Tan Lang in the life sector indicates an extremely selfish individual. 

5. Ju Men (巨门) - Orator star: To assess your aptitude for public speaking simply look at the quality of this star. A bright Ju Men with the Wealth catalyst attached to it indicates a talent for speaking as well as a smooth and lucky life. This star is the most rational, logical, as well as suspicious of all the major stars, making it difficult to win an argument with someone who has a good Ju Men star in their life sector.

 6. Puo Jun (破军) - Demolisher star: Pou Jun is a rebellious fighter who is at the front lines of a war engaging in life and death struggle with the enemy. It's also like a demolition company that tears down structures before giving any thought of rebuilding, thus wasting resources. A person with this star in their life or happiness sector is aggressive and can be difficult to get along with. If this star is in the wealth sector one can easily lose money. 

7. Tian Ji (天机) - Chief Advisor star: A changeable, somewhat unstable star that represents intelligence and wherever it falls it gives you a talent for long-range planning and strategy. This star represents a quick thinker who learns fast, thinks fast and is excellent at multi-tasking. However, Tian Ji is more of a follower than a leader. A dark Tian Ji is duplicitous and manipulative. 

8. Tian Tong (天同) - Lucky star: Representing the easy life, Tian Tong enjoys luxury, relaxation and is happygo-lucky. This star is not competitive, does not like conflict and followed by good luck. If this star is in your money sector it means that you don't work hard for the money but it just comes to you. Depending on other stars in the sector it could mean a little or a lot of money.

 9. Tian Fu (天府) - Treasury star: A star representing leadership, conservatism, reliability, helpfulness, Tian Fu is not an innovative leader but an administrative leader. It is not keen on change and prefers tradition over newfangled things. It is also a star of great wealth depending on where it falls. Billionaire and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has this star in his wealth sector. 

10. Tian Xiang (天相) - Minister star: Classic texts liken this star to an imperial official who puts a stamp of approval on documents. Tian Xiang is viewed as being both powerful and powerless at the same time. Nothing happens without its seal of approval and yet it is able to do little beyond that. This star indicates passivity, administration, fairness and loyalty. One book refers to this star as "Mirror", which reflects whatever it sees, including any major stars in its sector. 

11. Qi Sha (七杀) - Army General star: This star represents an army general who oversees the battle and lays out strategies on the field. Qi Sha differs from Wu Qu in that while Wu Qu is cool and detached, Qi Sha is aggressive and persevering. 

12. Tian Liang (天梁) - Inspector star: A noble, scholarly, serious, and mature leader this star can be likened to an elder statesman of antiquity. This star shows discipline, self-control, and self-management. It is conscientious, academically talented, and idealistic. Tian Liang is above the pettiness of politics and is capable of staying in a position for a long period of time until its goal has been achieved or there is nothing more to be gained. 

13. Tai Yang (太阳) - the Sun: A literal translation from Chinese to English, Tai Yang, or the Sun, is the star of fame, leadership and altruism. A bright Tai Yang in the career sector with only positive stars can make a person famous and outstanding at work. Many CEOs and billionaires, like Bill Gates, have a bright Tai Yang with many supportive stars in their career sector. 

14. Tai Ying (太阴) - Moon: This star is gentle, beautiful, quiet and reserved. It also represents careful intelligence--taking time to formulate a well-thought out plan rather than devising ideas on the spot, like Tian Ji. It is also a star of wealth that, if found in the life sector with a bright rating, means the individual will invariably acquire a fortune in their lifetime.

March 09, 2019

Reminiscence : 1969

Where have all the flowers gone!

I borrowed the fb post of Venus Correa, a batchmate 1969ers..


Karamihan ng Fabella High School 1969 ay ipinanganak ng Water Dragon  Year  (Jan. 27, 1952 - Feb. 13, 1953)  na tinatawag sa  Chinese Zodiac as Ren Chen.

Sabi ng mga Instsik, maswerte ang mga karaminhan ng pinanganak ng taon ng mga dragon dahil nagdadala sila ng magagandang simbolo ng buhay dito sa lupa, 

Isa  na si Vladimir Putin na Pangulo ng Russia ay ipinanganak noong  October 7, 1952  sa Leningrad.  Ganon din si Tony Tan Caktiong, ang may- ari ng Jolibee na pinanganak ng January 5, 1953 ay water dragon born.

Water Dragon: 1952,
 Ang uri ng Dragon ay isang matalino, magiliw at nakakarelaks na tao. Bihira nilang hayaan ang isang pagkakataon na mapalampas. Ang pagkakaiba mula sa Water Dragon sa iba pang mga uri ay ang mga ito ay masaya na maghintay para sa mga resulta na mangyari sa halip na makita ang mga resulta kaagad.

Ang mga ito ay napaka-unawa at laging handa upang ibahagi ang kanilang mga ideya at makipagtulungan sa iba. Ang kanilang mga pangunahing kapintasan ay na sila ay may posibilidad na tumalon mula sa isang aktibidad sa isa pang sa halip na tumutok sa isa. Mayroon silang isang mahusay na sensationThe Dragon ay isang mapagmataas at buhay na buhay na tao na may isang hindi nagtatapos supply ng tiwala sa sarili. Ang mga ito ay lubos na intelektwal at ay palaging napakabilis upang samantalahin ang anumang pagkakataon. Ang mga ito ay determinado at may matibay na pag-iisip upang magawa nang mabuti sa anumang pagtatangka nila, na karaniwan nang natural sa kanila. Ang mga ito ay medyo isang perpeksiyonista at laging magsisikap na mapanatili ang mataas na pamantayan na kanilang itinakda para sa kanilang sarili.

Ang mga Dragons ay may posibilidad na gumawa ng mga bagay na napaka personal. Ang Dragon ay magiging lubhang mabilis upang punahin kahit sino na sumusubok na gumawa ng isang tanga sa labas ng mga ito. Kung minsan ay makikita ang mga ito bilang mapurol at diretso sa punto at tiyak na hindi diplomatiko o sensitibo. Maaari silang maging tiwasay at madalas na naniniwala kung ano ang sinasabi ng mga tao sa kanila. Ang Dragon ay hindi nagkakaroon ng mang-insulto, kung sa palagay nila ay na-insulto o nasaktan, mahabang panahon na matututo silang magtiwala muli dahil hindi nila madaling kalimutan ang mga bagay.

Ang Dragon ay kadalasang labis na papalabas at mahusay sa pag-akit ng publisidad at pansin. Nasisiyahan ang mga Dragons na tangkilikin ang pagiging sentro ng atensiyon na sentro ng atensyon at makagagaling sa mga problema kung dapat nilang harapin sila. Ang Dragon ay maaaring ilarawan bilang isang bit ng isang showman na bihirang kulang sa isang madla.

Ang kanilang mga pananaw ay lubos na pinahahalagahan sapagkat karaniwan ay may isang bagay na kawili-wiling sasabihin. Masigasig ang mga ito at kadalasang nakahanda na magtrabaho nang matagal at hindi maiiwasang oras upang makamit ang nais nila. Sila ay maaaring maging paminsan-minsan at hindi palaging isaalang-alang ang mga kahihinatnan na maaaring sundin. May posibilidad silang mabuhay para sa sandaling muli ay maaaring magkaroon ng mga kahihinatnan na hindi nila iniisip. Ayaw nilang manatiling naghihintay at maging napakabata sa mga pinakamaliit na pagkaantala. 

Ang Dragon ay mayroong maraming pananampalataya sa kanilang mga kakayahan, kung minsan ito ay maaaring gumawa ng kaunti sa tiwala na kung minsan ay maaaring humantong sa kanila na gumawa ng masamang hatol, maaaring ito ay isang malaking problema kung minsan ngunit ang Dragon ay may kakayahang mag-bounce pabalik at kunin ang mga piraso muli.

Ang Dragon ay madalas na napupunta sa kanilang karera, ito ay dahil sa ang katunayan na mayroon silang isang napaka-tiwala sa sarili pagkatao at magkaroon ng isang napakalaking pagnanais na maging matagumpay. Mayroon silang mga katangiang pang-pamamahala at gagawin nang napakahusay sa isang posisyon kung saan maaari nilang ilagay ang kanilang sariling mga ideya sa pag-play. Ang mga ito ay kadalasang napakagumpay sa pulitika, posisyon ng isang tagapamahala sa loob ng kanilang trabaho, nagpapakita ng negosyo at anumang bagay na nagdadala sa kanila sa pakikipag-ugnay sa media.

Ang Dragon ay laging umaasa sa kanilang sariling paghatol at maaaring maging mocking ng payo ng ibang tao. Gustung-gusto nila ang pakiramdam sa sarili na sapat at maraming Dragons na mahalin ang kanilang kalayaan sa ganitong antas na mas gusto nilang manatili sa kanilang buhay. Ang Dragon ay sasabihin ng maraming mga tao sa kanilang buhay habang marami ang maaakit sa kanilang matamis na pagkatao at natitirang hitsura. Kung mag-aasawa sila, kadalasang mag-aasawa sila ng mga bata at makikita ang kanilang mga sarili na tugma sa mga Rats, Snake, Monkeys at Roosters.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Habang binabasa ko ang mga comments ng mga batchmates, nakakatuwang alalahanin ang nakaraan 4O years ago. Mabuti na lang at may Brahmi at Gingko Biloba para sa memory enhancer at samahan pa ng B12 para sa nerve vitamin para hindi antukin.  {Ano ba ito..puro maintenance drug na para sa high blood at diabetes buti na lang hindi umaatake ang gout at rayuma.}

Sa gabi naman ay kailangan ang melatonin para makatulog dahil adik na sa fb, instagram, blogging, at google  na pinauusok na mga gadgets na sabay sabay na tumatakbo.

Paano sasabay ang mga Millenials sa 69ers  ay lahat din ng Apps ay kabisado  kahit na linya na ang mukha tulad ko ay nakikipag tagisan pa rin ng talino ..hehehe. { Kudos kay Venus Correa..ang ganda ng mga pic collage presentation, animation perfect}

Pero hindi rin magpapahuli ang 69ers, marami ang successful sa buhay na inambisyon nila.. Congrats kay Mayora ng Roxas sa walang kapagurang paglilingkod sa bayan, mga magnate na negosyante tulad ni  batch Nora, nagkalat din sa ibat-ibang panig ng mundo ang mga batchmates at patuloy na umaani ng tagumpay ang mga henerasyon.  Ang napansin ko at nararanasan ay wala ang salitang retire dahil hindi uso ang maging tired.

Soul Purpose

Bakit may maagang umaalis sa mundo?  Bakit hindi pare-pareho ang kapalaran o ang tinatahak na buhay?

Lahat ay may kanya  kanyang soul purpose or life path of travel.  Malayo na rin ang narating ko para matutuhan kung bakit nabubuhay ang tao sa mundo at  ang pagkakahalintulad nito sa mga creations ng ibang dimension sa ibang planeta.

Pagkatapos ng high school noon 1969, hindi ko alam ang buhay na tatahakin basta ang gusto ko lang ay makapglakbay at makarating sa ibat ibang lupain.

Nag apply ako sa US Navy at natanggap naman ang akin application pero hindi ako nakarating sa araw ng interview sa Subic Naval Base sa Olongapo City kaya panibago na namang goal ang kailangan tumbukin.

Hindi talaga siguro ukol kaya  nakatingin na lang lagi sa mga bituin lalo na sa gabi na madilim para itanong kung ano ang purpose ng buhay  ng tao sa mundo..ipapanganak, mag aasawa at magkakaroon ng pamilya, at pagkatapos ay tatanda at mamamatay. paulit ulit lang ang cycle ng buhay.

Second year college ako ng sumapi sa Ananda Marga, isang grupo ng mga naniniwala sa self development through yoga and meditation. Nagbuhat ito sa India  at mayroong temple sa may Paco, Manila.

Dito nabuo ang aking pilosopiya tungkol sa daigdig at mga tao at sa ibat ibang paniniwala  sa Diyos ayon sa Kritianismo, Islam, Hindu, Buddhismo, Hebrew at ang mga iba pang Pagan belief system.

Noong maging Civil Engineer at nanirahan kasama ng nabuong pamilya sa Ayala Alabang Village ay matgal din naging lay minister sa St James the great Parish  ang simbahan sa loob ng village.

Dumaan mga taon at nag-iba na naman ang takbo ng buhay.

Sa kasalukuyan, patuloy pa rin ang aking pag-aaral sa mga lumang siyensya metapisika na sinulat ng mga sinaunang mga philosopher's tulad nina Phytagoras, Plato, Socrates, Alchemist  Hermes Tremigestus at marami pang iba. Patuloy din ang pagiging miyembro sa mga ibat ibang ancient secret societies tulad ng  Freemasonry at Rosicrucian.

Isa sa mga blogsites ko tungkol sa ibat ibang pilosopiya.

Wednesday January 29, 2025 - Chinese Lunar Year

 January 29, 2025 - Chinese Lunar Year  Today is Jan 29, 2025, the start of the Chinese lunar wood snake year, I had a freak accident riding...