November 23, 2018

Star Stories in my Life

The Stars that Shape my Character

imagePolaris in Ursa Minor
Polaris is a distinct yellow star at the end of the tail of the little bear, Ursa Minor, and is today's North Pole star. As the star closest to the North Pole, it has been used as a navigational aid since antiquity. Its very position has meant that peoples of all cultures have seen it as a beacon or pointer, showing a true unswerving path. This has not changed, for Polaris is still, today, the Pole star for the northern hemisphere and as such, contains the symbolic meaning [...]
Being loyal to a cause or a group
This quality of a solid focus is combined with your Venus, your social ideas and attitudes to your personal relationships. In its simplest expression it adds the quality of loyalty to all your friendships and you stick by your friends through thick and thin. 

III. The Stars that Shape my Vocation

The themes of your vocation stars are fundamental to your idea of what you stand for and what is important to you and how you spend your life, far more than just your job or career. It could, however, become your career or surface in your life as your passion or a cause to which you devote your free time. Hence your vocational stars suggest how you can lead a meaningful life. Pursuing the themes suggested by these stars may not bring you riches but they will allow you to feel that you are in your proper place, living a life of purpose. No matter what other paths you take in your life, your vocation stars will always pull you back to their themes.

imageSualocin in Delphinus
Sualocin is a small blue-green star in the western side of the dolphin, Delphinus. The Dolphin is a small constellation next to Aquila the Eagle in the northern hemisphere. The Dolphin has maintained its present form and shape for the last two thousand years and its stories are associated with helpfulness and playfulness. Thus the quality of this star gifts you with a natural talent or consummate skill in some area. Such skills develop into hobbies in your younger years [...]

[..] This implies that the star also has an oracular quality, a gift of future vision added to its feature of intelligent playfulness. You experience this side of the star when from time to time you can tap into instinctual knowledge, experienced by you as insights, or insider perspectives that appear 

IV. The Star Stories in Your Life

Your star stories are the narrative which provides the stage for your star qualities and your vocation stars. Some of these stories come from the stars and will make themselves apparent through re-occurring patterns of events. Knowing your star stories enables you to be alert at the beginning of the cycle before you find yourself slipping into old habit patterns with their predictable outcomes.

Sibling Rivalry: Struggling with the light and the dark image
This is a story of the twins of the heavens. They have many different names but the Greeks knew them as Castor and Pollux, the two brothers that make up the constellation Gemini. They are symbolic of all polarities, the point of balance between black and white, the fragile nature of competition, and the understanding of antithesis. One twin is blessed living an uncomplicated life, never worried by internal conflict and full of self-assurance and optimism. The other twin is destined to wrestle with [...]
It is the reclusive emotional twin that touches your life and its expression is stirred up whenever you feel blocked or restricted in your actions or in your ideas. You understand through limitations the importance of keeping life simple and concrete by focusing on the pragmatic and working hard. You readily

V. Conclusion
In the face of the starry heavens you may feel that you are small, but by understanding your personal relationship with the stars, you can step upon a path that allows you to gain a greater harmony with them. This harmony can give you insights about what it is to be a part of a living cosmos. As you come to understand your stars through this report, go outside on a clear night and learn to see your stars in the night sky. Visually connecting with them can help you to understand their union with your life.

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